Our four-day CGEIT training course in London will prepare you for success in the Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT) exam. The CGEIT qualification is a worldwide symbol of excellence in IT governance. It combines the achievement of passing a comprehensive exam, with recognition of your work, management and educational experience. Achieving CGEIT status will provide you with wider recognition in the marketplace, as well as increased influence at executive level.
Our training course is for IT and business professionals, with significant IT governance experience who are undertaking the CGEIT exam.
This training course provides intensive revision and preparation for the CGEIT exam, across all of the revised (2013) CGEIT job practice areas:
The percentages indicate the emphasis of questions on the exam paper. During the course you will cover the following aspects for each Domain:
The course also covers handy hints and tips for further revision and the exam, offering you the best chances of achieving exam success.
Thilak Pathirage: MBA(Srij) BCOM(spl) CISSP CISA CISM CGEIT CRISC CBCP ITILV3 ISO27K(LA) FIB- Former AGM-OpRisk & Information Risk Management. Seylan Bank.
This course is led by Mr Thilak Pathirage, who has over 35 years experience in the IT Governance, Risk and Information Security Profession. He is an accredited lecturer to ITIL with the EXIN. He is also an Visiting Lecturer in UCSC Colombo University. To read his full profile:
Please note that the CGEIT exam is not included in this training course. CGEIT exams take place in June and December each year and you must book the exam directly with ISACA, the awarding examination board. Our experience shows that delegates have the highest chance of success if they sit the exam approximately 2-3 weeks after attending this training course.
Register for the CGEIT exam >>
ISACA requires at least five years of IT governance experience in the five CGEIT Domains to qualify for certification. You can take the CGEIT exam prior to meeting ISACA’s experience requirements, but the CGEIT qualification will not be awarded until all requirements are met. We do not set specific entry requirements for this course.
On the course all delegates will need to have a copy the current CGEIT Review Manual which is essential for any exam candidate. Unless you already have your own copy, you have the option to purchase it from the ISACA book store.
This CGEIT training course includes:\
This course is non-residential, but we can help you to find a hotel close to the training venue. To take advantage of this offer, drop us an email after you book your course.
To take advantage of this offer, drop us a email on
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after you book your course.
Prepare for CGEIT success: book your training with us!
Register Now- link to enrollment page